Balancing a Project Teams Workload

It's always important to balance a project team's workload, and especially so during times when resources take vacations and miss work. There’s a fine balance to be had between mixing a team to do lists and ensuring that the workload is equal and fair for everyone. Managing the project workload is one of the most critical parts of a manager’s j

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Understanding Project Status Reports

A project status report shows data over a certain period of time, essentially it’s a snap shot. When these "snapshots" are taken regularly, it's easy to track progress and make adjustments. It’s a document that describes the progress of a project within a specific time period. Project managers use status reports to keep stakeholders i

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Project Management and Cyber Security

Protection of services seems to be the way of the future, and as a project manager how do you deliver a Cyber Security related project successfully? The answer no different to any other project, the process is the same, planning doesn’t change and stakeholder management should be paramount. Although Cyber Security is everybody’s busin

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